07 3820 2238
Servicing: Brisbane | Redland Bay | Ipswich | Logan Area
Here’s Why You Need to Get Rid of Ants

Here’s Why You Need to Get Rid of Ants

A solitary ant scurrying across your kitchen bench is easy to squish. A small group of ants is equally easy to wipe away and destroy. However, these ants are scouts for hundreds, maybe thousands more of their fellow ants in colonies, who are waiting in your lawn,...
5 Ways to Keep Ants Out of Your Kitchen

5 Ways to Keep Ants Out of Your Kitchen

Ants are close to the top of the list when it comes to annoying household pests. Getting rid of ants, especially in the kitchen, can be a difficult and frustrating problem. Some eradication products take a long time to work, while other times the ants can simply come...
Sick of Dealing with Never-Ending Ant Infestations?

Sick of Dealing with Never-Ending Ant Infestations?

Ants can be quite persistent when it comes to continuously infesting our homes. Hot weather combined with a little bit of rain can mean the population swells and they start making their way indoors. Never-ending ant infestations can occur due to unseen food scraps or...
Finding an Eco-Friendly Pest Control Service

Finding an Eco-Friendly Pest Control Service

Termites are one of the most destructive insect pests in the world and are responsible for the destruction of countless buildings and structures. There are approximately 360 species of termites throughout Australia. Most termites are beneficial to ecosystems, helping...
Are Termites an Introduced Species?

Are Termites an Introduced Species?

In Australia, we have both native and introduced species of termites that are destructive and require active management. Termite species are often quite difficult to identify, even for experts. Fortunately, knowing the exact species isn’t an issue when it comes to...